Open Source


JunitXML.TestLogger: This library integrates with dotnet test to produce a JUnit formatted unit test report for .Net Framework / Standard / Core projects. Generally it is used in CICD pipelines such as GitLab or CircleCI which require the JUnit format. Source on GitHub NuGet

SQL Data Compare: This is a web utility which generates data comparison scripts for SQL Server tables or queries. Example uses include comparing data in across environments or validating that refactoring a query has not altered its output. Source on GitHub


NunitXML.TestLogger: This library integrates with dotnet test to produce a NUnit formatted unit test report for .Net Framework / Standard / Core projects. Generally it is used in CICD pipelines which require the XUnit format. Source on GitHub NuGet

XunitXML.TestLogger: This library integrates with dotnet test to produce a XUnit formatted unit test report for .Net Framework / Standard / Core projects. Generally it is used in CICD pipelines which require the XUnit format. Source on GitHub NuGet

Appveyor.TestLogger: This library integrates with dotnet test to produce a Appveyor formatted unit test report for .Net Framework / Standard / Core projects. Generally it is used in CICD pipelines which require the Appveyor format. Source on GitHub NuGet